


Last class of 2022 in Kasukabe

 Yesterday was the last class of 2022 at the Kasukabe Budokan. We also had a few visitors from both the Noda and Saitama clubs.

After warm-ups, ukemi and kihon dosa renzoku(today`s point was the angle of the front front), we went straight into reviewing basic techniques.

ryote mochi shihonage ichi, suwari waza katate mochi nikajo osae ni, yokomen uchi ikkajo osae ni, shomen uchi yonkajo osae ni, katate mochi sokumen iriminage ni, ryote mochi tenchinage ni

For the last 5 minutes or so we played around with breaking different grips. It was a fun an energetic class to finish off the year.

A couple of the kids got their new belts today. It has been a tough year for these guys, but they both worked hard through school, other activities and numerous injuries to earn the rank of 6th kyu. Congratulations!

The prior month has been test training, and last week were the tests, so today we decided to do something different and spice things up.

jotori jiyu-waza

Worked on different ukemi, a few cool techniques, then finished with a mini demonstration.

Next Kasukabe class will be held on Saturday, January 7th. Two weeks off to relax and recharge. See you in the new year. Happy holidays!

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